Pranav Gonepalli

CS at William & Mary

I embark on whimsical quests in the enchanted forest of code.

As a Senior majoring in Computer Science at the College of William and Mary, I have developed a passion for crafting efficient and innovative software solutions.

My academic journey has equipped me with a solid foundation in computational thinking and problem-solving. I'm deeply interested in software engineering, and always eager to explore the latest trends and technologies.

Outside the codebase, I value teamwork, continuous learning, and proactive problem-solving. I'm excited to further my journey in the software industry, and I'm always open to connect with like-minded professionals or opportunities that align with my passion.

May 2024 — Aug 2024

Software Engineer Intern - MicroStrategy

Engineered a natural language chatbot for Auto Dashboard using React, Node.js, OpenAI API, and Langchain, enabling automated and dynamic dashboard creation.

Developed key features including multi‑page generation, dynamic layouts, design customization, and data relevancy filtering, reducing dashboard creation time by 90%.

Managed version control and collaborated on codebase improvements by raising PRs, conducting code reviews, and utilizing GitHub for seamless integration and deployment.

Oct 2023 — Dec 2023

Software Engineer Intern - IBM

Employed AWS Lambda functions and Docker in projects to efficiently extract and manage JSON data from Hyperscience documents.

Engineered a high‑efficiency script to analyze 52,000+ JSON files, extracting and uploading key PDFs in minutes, a process that previously took months, dramatically boosting productivity.

Utilized Agile methodologies, specifically Scrum and Sprint planning, to streamline project workflows and improve team efficiency.

Oct 2022 — May 2023

Software Engineer Intern - DisinfoLab

Collaborated with faculty to architect and implement machine learning pipelines focused on the real-time detection of disinformation campaigns on Twitter.

Utilized Natural Language Processing (NLP) and supervised learning algorithms to classify Twitter bot behavior, achieving high precision and recall metrics. Adapted the framework for cross-platform compatibility.

Developed a full stack web application using React.js and integrated it with a RESTful API backend, enabling users to assess the credibility of Twitter accounts interactively.

Recipe Finder

Website integrated with the Spoonacular API to find recipes. Fetch and view recipes based on the ingredients selected.

Maze App

Built in Android Studio, utilizing Java and the Android SDK. Generate and solve a maze with manual navigation or using an AI powered robot player.

Netflix Landing Page Clone

Meticulously recreated the Netflix homepage, achieving a visual replica with a keen emphasis on detail using HTML, CSS, and JS.

Paint in Python

Designed a paint application in Python using the Tkinter library. Draw on the canvas using different brushes, colors, and shapes.

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